Application and widget showing the status of PM10 in Slovenia.
Pripomoček (widget), ki ga postavite na namizje, kaže stanje PM10 za izbrano lokacijo iz seznama, ki ga objavlja ARSO (Samo za Slovenijo). Pripomoček se osvežuje na 30 min, lahko pa ga osvežite z dotikom (ang. tap).Aplikacija pa kaže stanje delcev PM10, ki jih ARSO objavlja na spletu v obliki seznama. Osvežitev podatkov se izvede preko gumba Osveži (trenutno ARSO osvežuje podatke vsako uro).Gre za prenos urnih podatkov preko speta v ustrezno okno aplikacije in pa v pripomoček (widget) aplikacije.Barvo besedila na pripomočku lahko nastavite v aplikaciji. Barva je vedno rdeča, če PM10 vrednost presega mejno (50). Enaka barva se uporabi tudi v tabeli v aplikaciji, ozadje pa je komplementarna barvaThe gadget (widget) that you place on your desktop, showing the state of PM10 for the selected location in the list published by the Environmental Agency (only for Slovenia). The gadget is refreshed in 30 minutes, but you can refresh yourself by touching (Eng. TAP).The application shows the status of PM10 by EARS published online in the form of a list. Refreshments data is carried out via the Refresh button (currently EARS updated data every hour).It is a transfer of hourly data via stapled to the appropriate application window and in the gadget (widget) applications.The color of the text on the device can be set in the application. The color is still red, if PM10 value exceeds the threshold (50). The same color is also used in the table in the application context, the complementary colorminor bugs solved, scrolling added